Sunday Tonic: Words on Marble
Dear reader , Welcome to my Sunday Tonic whereby we commune through salient words of truth. Please enjoy. 1.You may not be the smartest person on earth but you got something the world needed to make it a better place for yourself, your generation, generation yet unborn. 2. Nothing frustrates a man than living without purpose. It is worst than being insane. While a mad man is unaware of his state, a purposeless man thinks he is in charge. 3. Happiness is not a state, it is an habit, create it. 4. If you are only happy when you have money, then your opinion of life must be faulty. Nothing makes a man happy than finding and living in purpose. 5. Money is a defence just as wisdom is a defence, but purpose is an insurance against vanity. 6. Don't settle for less because of your background for your background does not have to leave your back on the ground. 7. There is no failure only failed attempts and it is just a phase in the life of real men. 8. You don't change a so...