
Showing posts from April, 2018


A s humans, there are so many things that try to seek our attention. They pry on our time, resources, and even our thoughts. The way they present themselves to us is as if without them, life cannot go on. However, friends on a more deeper thinking, we will discover most of these things can actually be done without. It is therefore important we get our priority right. To achieve this, we must try to listen to our voice of reason above the voice of emotion. While our voice of emotion presents to us our wants, the voice of reason suggests our needs. So we must learn to meet our needs and not our wants. Without that, we are bound to suffer from self-deprivation which is injurious to our health and by inference, our entire life. Thank you for your time. Wishing you a glorious Sunday.

Barca Defeat- My Take Away

F ailure is not final. Success is not final, but focus is essential in the world of sports as in the game of life. No one would have thought the 'almighty' Barca will not proceed to the next round of the Champion League, but the reality is, they won't. It is painful to their admirers like me, but I think there is much more we must learn from the episode. That you start well does not mean you will finish well if you are not focus enough on your life dreams and goals. Same is equally true of the other divide. Starting on a wrong footing is not always the end of the world like Roma has shown in this match. If you are focus and persistence enough, you can outshine your greatest rival, put your critics to shame, while putting smiles on the faces of your fans. Yet in all, I stand with Barca, for the truest test of friendship is not known in moment of triumph, but in the hours of trials. Barcelona all the way!


It was Christ who said:  " Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears  much  fruit " . The Nigeria present story of penury and underdevelopment may continue for years to come except there is a rebirth. Without the death of Nigeria present state, then all our quest for good governance and development will continue to be a mirage. For instance, our obsession with wealth and celebration of people of opulence without a track record of the sources of their wealth is one evil that must be put to death. There is a need for a new culture of value for hard work and the dignity of labour if we have to have a headway as a country and as a people. It is time to build a new Nigeria we will all be proud of, by encouraging individual productivity and optimal utilization of potentials. Furthermore, the 'spirit' of average and mediocrity must be put to death. There is a negative psyche in the affairs o...