
Showing posts from October, 2019


POOR GOVERNANCE BREEDS CRIMINALITIES by Sanmi Adekola At the risk of sounding amoral to social ethos, I'm tempted to link the increasing criminals and illegal activities in Nigeria today to poor governance. Before you crucified me, let me explain myself. On my way from Church today, I was tempted to block a commercial bus driver who was passing one-way. On a second thought, I drove pass the 'Keke Napep' in front of him and took a glance at the Bus Driver. The guy looked at me, and attributed his decision to pass one way to poor state of the road of which I cannot but agree with him. I shook my head and drove past him. I know there are hundreds of us who will say the guy should have stayed in queue like other law abiding Lagosians and that he had no excuse, sorry I begged to disagree for once. I said for once, because I'm an apostle of morality and preacher cum practictioner of the Yoruba concept of 'Omoluabi' ; but the situation in our country can make the...