Parenting Requires Mentorship

Parenting Requires Mentorship Almost all exceptional people have someone they look up to, people who served as their Guardian Angel. Some called them Role Models, some referred to then as Mentors. Deliberate mentorship by parents is important before children are old enough to choose their own paths. What path are you preparing your children for? Parenting is a deliberate act, an intentional task that must be done to ensure proper growth and devpt of your children. Don't outsource it for others, not teachers or even religious institutions. They've roles to play but you have the greatest role. The failure of most society starts from home. It's mostly from home that the future of children are determined. Specifically, if a child becomes a Medical Doctor or a murderer, the home played a significant role.If a child becomes a patriot or a villain, the home determined it. Whether, your child becomes a Priest or Pen robber, it's from the home.If h...