Nigeria Problems: No Be Today!
Nigera Problems: No Be Today! It was Benito Mussolini , former Prime Minister of Italy who said: " Problem is to a man, what maternity is to a woman". This statement denotes several things. One, it suggests that problems and man are twin inseparable twins. Two, it means as long as man lives, problem will remain a daily experience of his life and existence. Three, the only problem free man is perhaps the man in the grave. Four, every association of man is inevitably rooted in problems. What the foregoing suggest is that problem exists and will continue to exist at individual, corporate or national level. Having extablished the fact that man is expected to move from one problems to the other, then, one can also rightly deduced that man is designed by God to be problems solvers from family to social institutions and not less at national and global institutions level. Nigeria as a country has always have its share of problems from inception till date. This no doubt i...