KANU, SUNDAY IGBOHO AND THE REST OF US! For sometimes, commenting on national issue is becoming a burden to me because " kaka ki ewe agbon de, sise loun pele si and kaka ki o san fun iya aje, o fi gbogbo omo bi obirin" my apologies to Evangelist Niyi Adedokun, the Yoruba Gospel Musician who shook our airwaves in the 1990s in his famous track: 'Omo nijiria Ileya'. Sincerely, Nigeria issues are not only daunting but they're capable of giving one sleeplessness nights. Of recent, insecurities to lives and properties have been at the front burnner of national discourse. Everywhere and anywhere appears unsafe from the North to South, and East to West. While the North is under sieged of banditry and terrorism all thanks to bandits and Boko Haram siasme twins; the South East and South South are engulfed with kidnapping, and midless killings by unknown gunmen. Added to this is herders/farmers menace. The South West is also not left out, kidnappings and terrorization by F...