Improved Power: A Fluke or Reality?
From personal experience to questions and responses from acquaintances, there is a general consensus that power supply has considerably improved in Nigeria. It is not as if, it is yet Uhuru, but the fact is Nigerians now have access to more power than ever. Unfortunately, while many are won't of complaining in the days of power outage, hardly is any Nigerian commending the government for this improved power supply. Somehow, I share the sentiment of many Nigerians in this regard. Discussing some core antagonists of this government, they believed the improved power supply is just a farce as naturally, power supply is always better during raining season. And truly, they have a basis in this regard. The second argument is premised on Nigerians pessimistic opinions and views who believed an average Nigeria government cannot be entirely rely upon as many times previously, the country witnessed somewhat improved power supply only to snowballed latter. Whatever the case, the fa...