
Showing posts from August, 2016

Improved Power: A Fluke or Reality?

From personal experience to questions and responses from acquaintances, there is a general consensus that power supply has considerably improved in Nigeria. It is not as if, it is yet Uhuru, but the fact is Nigerians now have access to more power than ever. Unfortunately, while many are won't of complaining in the days of power outage, hardly is any Nigerian commending the government for this improved power supply. Somehow, I share the sentiment of many Nigerians in this regard. Discussing some core antagonists of this government, they believed the improved power supply is just a farce as naturally, power supply is always better during raining season. And truly, they have a basis in this regard. The second argument is premised on Nigerians pessimistic opinions and views who believed an average Nigeria government cannot be entirely rely upon as many times  previously, the country witnessed somewhat improved power supply only to snowballed latter. Whatever the case, the fa...


Here and there, To and fro, Wonder my heart In search of the Golden pot. Loving and caring, Yet her ways bespoke a merciless being, Affectionate today, heartless tomorrow, Full of thrives and dives. With pride I raise my glass, In toast of victory and conquest, Of a battle and war won, Freedom after vicissitudes. Then comes my inner man Saying life is frail and Vail, Every territory conquers Come with price and pain. Man, oh that thou would know Of the timelines of earthly joy, Sobering and solemnly shall thou be Till you stand at the Judgment seat. In the world: no lasting peace, Money comes and goes, Joy evaporates like gas, Love diminishes like ice before a scorching sun. Small men die, Great people vanishes, The rich cry! The poor weep! Truly like the wisest man said: Vanity upon vanity, All is vanity, Life is but a sha...


Our problems are man-made, therefore they may be solved by man. And man can be as big as he wants. No problem of human destiny is beyond human beings. - John F. Kennedy In every generation, men and women are created to meet the peculiar needs of their time. Upon each man is a call, a question: (what are you created for?) demanding an answer. In our faces are cards of destiny being daggle before us to go with the tide or follow the trend. It is disheartening however that so many of us go about life without answering this question; yet the truth is that we cannot be whom we are meant to be without answering this question.  Friends, if you are going to go far in life, you must discover yourself. You must know you are not in this world by accident, there is an assignment for your life. There is a problem you must solve that will make someone else life better. There is a vacuum you are meant to fill in your family, organization, community, country and the world in general....

The Nigeria Judiciary And The Challenge of Nation Building

In every democratic setting like Nigeria, there are four estates of the State made up of the Legislature, the Executive, the Judiciary, and the Civil Society (comprising the Press and the NGOs). The legislature makes laws, the executive implement laws, the judiciary interprets laws, and the Civil Society serve as the whistleblower. The success or failure of any democratic experience depends largely on the effectiveness or otherwise of these institutions. Over the years, the Nigeria judiciary has contributed immensely to the growth and development of democracy. In this regard, one remembers the pivotal role played by it during the Federal Government vs Lagos State case instituted by the later under the able leadership of His Excellency, Governor Bola Ahmed Tinubu. What about the Amaechi vs INEC case? Yet it has played some ignoble roles too. The twelve two-third saga, we read about. The annulment of June 12 is equally fresh in our memory, but it seems it has never gone worse ...


Have you ever wish that the world is better than it is now? Have you ever thought of the world devoid of evil and problems? You are not a lone ranger in your wishes and imagination. In fact, a countless number of people have dreamed of a Utopia world, only that few people do something to make it a better world. Imagine if all of us will cut the grasses in front of our houses, and sweep the nooks and crannies of our place of residence. Yea, just imagine if all of u s we live by our words and honour our obligations. Have you been to a public place and discover it is not in order, do you walk past or you do something to right the wrong? The fact is that the present world of chaos is created by humans, and to change it, it will take you and me. No matter how insignificant it may seem, decide to make the world a better place by doing the little you can at every point in time; not minding what others will do for somebody somewhere may be waiting for you to kick start the proc...