Our problems are man-made, therefore they may be solved by man. And man can be as big as he wants. No problem of human destiny is beyond human beings.
- John F. Kennedy

In every generation, men and women are created to meet the peculiar needs of their time. Upon each man is a call, a question: (what are you created for?) demanding an answer. In our faces are cards of destiny being daggle before us to go with the tide or follow the trend. It is disheartening however that so many of us go about life without answering this question; yet the truth is that we cannot be whom we are meant to be without answering this question. 

Friends, if you are going to go far in life, you must discover yourself. You must know you are not in this world by accident, there is an assignment for your life. There is a problem you must solve that will make someone else life better. There is a vacuum you are meant to fill in your family, organization, community, country and the world in general. 

Some of us in an attempt to answer this question, try to be like others forgetting that as our faces differ so is our destinations. The consequence is we end up running other people races resulting in frustration and misplaced destiny. 

Pulse for a moment! Was the wind created for fun? How about the water we drink, the clothes we put on and the food we eat? If these inanimates were not created for nothing, what make you think, you don't have a purpose for your existence? Some others missed it because they are waiting for the perfect moment, and there is no perfect moment except the ones we make perfect for ourselves. 

No matter where you are today, kindly know there is a reason why you are there, the reason may not be cleared now, it may appear you are stuck in the journey of life, nonetheless, never lose hope for there is a better day ahead. After every test comes testimony, it gets darker before it becomes daylight. 

Fellow sojourner, the sun outside is enough to dry the wet clothes, while not reflect on your life and see if you are working on your God assigned path or not? No time is too late to begin the race of life. Helping others, serving others is all we need to make a difference in life; and become the solutions providers we are created to be. 

Nigeria is facing one of the hardest moment in history. The battle, though not of guns and cutlasses yet demand our concerted effort to make the needed change. We either succumb to the easy way and get it wrong again, or we face the hard way and make it count for us all. But beyond rehetoric, all of us must get down to business, who know whether we are all created for such a time like this? Yet the questions of life, most times, cannot be answered collectively, we have got to answer it individually. I beg of you, don't fail this generation let alone the unborn ones. Therefore, as you go about your daily job, make the day counts!

Have a blessed week.


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