
Showing posts from May, 2017

Behind The Scenes

Behind every beautiful movie we watch on our screens are actions and events we are unawares of except the producers choose to show part of it after the movies. Most times, a movie we watch within two hours may take months and years to make. We are less concerned on this aspect of the movies, and sincerely we have no business in knowing what goes on behind the scenes. Just as we watch movies with little or no attention to what goes on behind the scenes, same way we admire (and some even become jealous of) people who have made it without regards to the process that it took the person to arrive at such destination. The truth is behind every successful adventure are years of sweat and struggles, success is hardly a product of a day job. Nothing is bad in admiring the breakthrough of others, but we must never become envious of their success nor belittle the process that brought them there, there is always a price to pay in every voyage of life. Have a wonderful weekend!

Nigeria: A Nation of Evil Genius

Nigerians will not cease to amaze me. From the political melodrama at the Seat of Power, to the 'comedious' jesters at the corridors of power, and not less the comic relief of the citizens in the nooks and crannies of cities, towns and villages. Indeed, the things that matter hardly matter. In the last couple of weeks, what has been at the central burner of our national affair is the issue of the health of the President. No doubt it is important because the President is expected to coordinate the activities of the government and the nation as a whole, and he needs all the strength he can muzzle, nonetheless is not a sine qua non for  us all to dissipate all our energy on it. For instance, have we wonder while no medical facilities is sufficient enough to take care of the health of the President such that he has to travel to London for treatment? No we won't, our concern is whether the President used 'acting President' or 'coordinating President' in...

Problem solver

ARE YOU A PROBLEM SOLVER OR PROBLEM CREATOR? Every one of us, paraphrasing Shakespeare, will only be remembered for two things: the problem we solved, and the ones we created. All around us are needs to be met, opportunities to be harnessed, and problems to be solved but we may not see it if we focus more on ourselves. Indeed, our world would have been better off if only all of us concentrate more on being an harbinger of progress to our fellow humans; yet the secrete to all real breakthroughs and successes stemmed from desire to provide solution(s) to identified problems. A little smile could make a great difference in the life of a depressed; just as a short prayer could lighten the heart of a burden soul. Whatever you do today, solve problem for humanity. Have a great week.

Cast Your Bread Upon Water

As we make effort to be great, sacrifice our sacred assets for people  we love, and pursue life goals as if we cannot fail,... we must be conscious of one fact that not everything we want will always be ours. We may laid down our lives for others but that does not mean they will always be there for us. Yet, it is certain that our labour of love cannot go unnoticed for life knows how to reward his givers. Sincerely, let no man thinks the good, or the bad he does is not going to be accounted for sooner or later, after all: Shakespeare said: the evil that men does lives after them but the good are interned in their bones. My call therefore today is that we strive at all time to make people happy, yet we must not think that we can please all, for a man who will please all should consider himself a failure enunciated Bill Crosby.  Some may call you fool. Others may see you as nonentity, some others may take you for a ride ... never mind the cloud and critics, the end justifies t...

Meet Someone Needs Today

All our days on earth is nothing except we do something that surpass the sound of time, and what more than to empower as many people as possible through our daily little deed of kindness no matter how small it may appear. As we sojourn in this world, Mother Earth looks up top everyone of us to put smiles on people around us. We may not have all the means, but we must do what we can when we can, and where we can in all our days. The cry of prosperity to all humanity in all society is for a touch of love. It may be in form of your time to a stranger who needs direction, of a student who needs explanation on a subject, or of someone who needs a supplement of a transport fares. Whatever you can do it when you can. Happy New Month to you pals!