Behind The Scenes
Behind every beautiful movie we watch on our screens are actions and events we are unawares of except the producers choose to show part of it after the movies. Most times, a movie we watch within two hours may take months and years to make. We are less concerned on this aspect of the movies, and sincerely we have no business in knowing what goes on behind the scenes.
Just as we watch movies with little or no attention to what goes on behind the scenes, same way we admire (and some even become jealous of) people who have made it without regards to the process that it took the person to arrive at such destination.
The truth is behind every successful adventure are years of sweat and struggles, success is hardly a product of a day job.
Nothing is bad in admiring the breakthrough of others, but we must never become envious of their success nor belittle the process that brought them there, there is always a price to pay in every voyage of life.
Have a wonderful weekend!
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