
Showing posts from November, 2017

The Tithers and the Profiteers

Thou shall not speak ill of the gods I used to hear when I was growing up. Today, the story is different; the gods must be questioned after all it is human beings that are behind ‘Oro’, which makes Oro to be perceived as a mystery being. The national debate is one funny but timely one. Yes a timely one because the multiplicity of religious organizations especially the Church has not resulted in reduction in crime and enhanced righteousness in Nigeria; rather, evil deeds are on the increase. We are a religious nation not a righteous nation. This calls to question the importance of religion in human affairs. Ordinarily, when people go to church, they are supposed to learn the way of God, and imbibe the virtues of righteousness. This is not the case in Nigeria, miracles and wonders are the main essence why people go to religious settings. The pastors and clerics sensing people gullibility have latched on their gullibility to exploit and explore for their own personal benefits.

Mugabe's Exit And The Future of Zimbabweans

Three decades seven years, ex-President Mugabe of Zimbabwe was in the saddle calling the shots. He became President as a revolutionary, exited power as a rebel. The same enthusiasm that saw to his emergence was witnessed in his exit . The euphoria on the streets of Harare, Zimbabwe today reminds me of the jubilation that followed the demise of General Sani Abacha in 1998. Yours truly was one of those people who smiled and ease a sigh of relief. It was as if the outset of Abacha then will pave way for a Nigeria that will be flowing with milk and honey. Almost twenty years later, there is hardly little difference between the Nigeria of then and now. Some people might even agreed with me that things have gotten worse than then. Gaddafi of Libya was removed, better still, murdered by Libyan soldiers for refusing to step down after long years of rulership in a coup that the West, and particularly, the US has been fingered in, the reality at the present in the country left much to be desi

El-Rufai vs Kaduna Teachers: Which Way?

The path being tread by Mallam El-Rufai, the Governor of Kaduna State is a suicidal but needed one as no good leader will leave the destinies of the future generations in the hands of quack teachers. It is a necessary but unpopular decision and policy that may spell doomed for him during his re-election bid in 2019 if the lesson provided by outcome of election result against Dr. Kayode Fayemi in Ekiti State is anything to go by. The only reason it may not affect him is if the population of the non-teachers-electorates are more than the teachers and those who are sympathetic to their course. Be that as it may, great leaders must put self last, and do the right things that will make life better not only for the present generation but also the unborn ones. This becomes more apparent and needed in light of the call not only for development but sustainable development- a development that not only meets the needs of the present generation but also does not preclude the possibility of futur