What someone does repeatedly and go scotfree, another person may do it and get punished for it. It lies with grace and 'ori'; or maybe destiny. U must understand the grace u possess. Let me illustrate with real-life experience but won't mention names. #Grace Starting with the Bible, there was a case of 2 kings - Saul & David. Saul was rejected as King all cos he failed to wait for Samuel to offer a sacrifice unto God, yet David not only cheated severally but also killed another person to get His wife, yet He was one of God's favourites. I know of two sisters in real life, one did an abortion once and never conceived again; yet another did over eleven times yet married and have several children. I know some may adduce medical explanation for it but I see grace in actions here. #Grace Same business with the same capital and almost equal education, one person may prosper compare to the other person. Most times, we attribute to competence but I tell you it is somet...