What someone does repeatedly and go scotfree, another person may do it and get punished for it. It lies with grace and 'ori'; or maybe destiny. U must understand the grace u possess. Let me illustrate with real-life experience but won't mention names.#Grace
Starting with the Bible, there was a case of 2 kings - Saul & David. Saul was rejected as King all cos he failed to wait for Samuel to offer a sacrifice unto God, yet David not only cheated severally but also killed another person to get His wife, yet He was one of God's favourites.
I know of two sisters in real life, one did an abortion once and never conceived again; yet another did over eleven times yet married and have several children. I know some may adduce medical explanation for it but I see grace in actions here. #Grace
Same business with the same capital and almost equal education, one person may prosper compare to the other person. Most times, we attribute to competence but I tell you it is sometimes much more than that. #Grace makes the difference most times.
Someone only used one guy to do 'shakara', another cheated and broken several guys heart yet married one of the best men on the Earth. Don't say it is mere coincidence, it is in their #Grace
Some married ladies divorced and remarried to single guys, yet hundreds of virtuous ladies who have not defiled themselves like the biblical virgins are without husbands. It is positioning, some will call it, but I call it the handwork of #Grace.
Someone will attempt adultery once and had his fingers burnt with HIV/AIDS, another had slept with prostitutes severally yet he is without such diseases. It is the luck you say? Nope, don't overshoot your luck, #Grace differs.
I don't know why I'm writing this, but woke up with this in mind and I felt like sharing it here. The key to making it in life is partly if not majorly, influenced by the grace we possess. Please know the #Grace 'you carry' and never overshoot your boundary!
Finally, the perfect #Grace comes from God thru the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the propitiation for our sins. Through Him, we've remission of sins. The starting point of enjoying God's grace is giving your life to God through Christ. You can do that by confessing dt He is your Lord.
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