However, with Hillary Clinton winning Alabama, American Samoa, Arkansas, Georgia, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia, eight States in all; and Donald Trump : Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Vermont and Virginia; the coast appears to be clearing.
In this regard, a global analyst remarked thus:
"Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton both took one step closer to securing nominations for the 2016 US presidential race with commanding victories on a night of caucuses dubbed "Super Tuesday".
The pair won seven caucuses each, shortening their odds of facing one another in the race for the White House."
Furthermore, the opinion polls across the country seems to be swinging in favour of Donald Trump despite sharp criticism of his campaign strategy by the global community. The question therefore on the lips of many is can the human race and the global community withstand a Donald Trump presidency? In other words, do we need a polarized human community or a unified one.
To many observers and global commentators both within and outside American, a Donald Trump presidency is a misnomer for the human race even though it seems to be appearing inevitable. But to an average core American, a Donald Trump presidency is needed at this time considering the aggressive nature of the Russians led by President Putin, not less the increase in terrorism across the nations of the world. This is because USA since assuming global leadership has never been a second fiddle and it cannot afford to do so now.
Hillary Clinton appears to be a credible alternative; but can the Democrats withstand the heat this time around, besides the fact that as to the preparedness of the Americans for a woman President. There is also this palpable fear that Hillary Clinton election come November, is the election of another Margret Thatcher as the former is as strong will as the latter. But her message of 'Let's break down barriers—not build new walls'; appears to be resonating not only in American but also across the world.
Whichever way it goes, history may be beckoning on the corner again as the election of Hillary Clinton means the election of the first female US President and Donald Trump may emerge as the oldest President US has ever produced. Till then, the world appears to be enjoin the intrigues being played out.
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