Search your mind, when last did you say THANK YOU LORD for the journey of your life so far? How about that relatives, friends, colleagues or boss at work? The fact of life is that the race to the top is an unending one, and if cares is not taken, one might forget to say thank you when it is necessary because our eyes is always on the bigger picture.
Being grateful does not change our lives. It only make others to see us in a better way. Friends, as we begin the first quarter of this year, it is time to do the right thing. To have a grateful heart, always remember:
- you are in the middle: there are those ahead of you and there are those behind you. The present level you are taking for granted is the breakthrough some people are doing Night Vigil for, and working tirelessly day and night to have.
- you cannot have it all, otherwise lives will become boring to you. This is because the race to survival and success is an ending one of which you cannot quit until you have been classified among the great, and greatness is a never ending phenomenon.
- your present challenges are time bound, like a cloud it will soon diffuse away. If you doubt, look back at all those seemly insurmountable issues and see how they have quickly dissolved. This one will soon pass away.
- being grateful to others for the good they do to you does not diminish you but rather engrave you in their heart. Always, put in mind: a thank you said without meaning is better than a than you meaning it without saying it.
Good morning, wishing you a awesome week ahead.
Less I forget, thank you for reading this piece.
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