If I Were To Commit Suicide Tomorrow!

In the last few weeks or months, there have been increasing increase in the number of reported suicide undertaken by Nigerians in response to the supposed economic situations in the country with at least two of them placing the reason for their suicide on bad economic policy of the present government. I cannot but sympathize with the deceased and their families, yet I find it difficult to swallow that a man will because of the supposed economic realities throwing in the towel, so I thought to myself, what could make me do such thing?

First, if I were to commit suicide tomorrow, I will do so because as a Nigerian I have failed to hold the past government accountable in any little ways I could have done so. Sincerely, I believed it will be a forthright cause to die considering the monumental corruption being heralded daily on the pages of newspapers and social media, and the inglorious attitudes of the perpetrators, not less our attempt to ethinicize it.

Relatedly, if I were to commit suicide tomrrow, I will do so because when issues come, we hardly look at them objectively, rather, we politicize them and examine them with our primordial sentiments. The latest of such is the visits of John Kerry and the Facebook guru, Mark Zukerberg adoption of Hausa's language on Facebook. So it would have been worthwhile to die if only to dissuade my fellow country men from ethnic bigotry, and political sycophancy.

If I were to commit suicide tomorrow, I will do so because of the noninclusion of the youths in strategic positions, perhaps, as a result of the few given opportunities, have betrayed such trust. Don't ask me to name names, because I believed you remember such names. Perhaps, this will make the remaining youths to wake up and do the right things.

If I were to commit suicide tomorrow, I will do so because of the failure of successive governments to solve the problem of electricity despite huge capital invested, but with little or no resources, my erstwhile Governor of Lagos State is putting things in shape. At least, it would have made sense that a man die so that his people could have electricity.

Moreover, if I were to commit suicide tomorrow, I will do so because of long years of neglect of needed infrastructures and its grave consequences for our dear country today. I mean the bad roads, educational facilities, poor health facilities, among others, maybe the government of the day and the coming ones will have a rethink and do things right such that people will attribute such good development to my sacrifice.

If I were to commit suicide tomorrow, I will do so because of the pervasive level of level of ignorance and illiteracy among those who supposed to know, but who to one's disappointment do not know as it reflect in our reactions to government policies and national issues. While other nationals look at issues objectively, we look at such policies from its political or ethnic colouration, making a mesa of ourselves within the international community. What a nation!

If I were to commit suicide tomorrow, I will do so because as a nation we cannot feed ourselves despite our huge population and vast land areas such that we are a the mercy of other nations and nationals, and attempt is being made to correct it, but we are losing the patients to do so because we are used to the quick fix approach. May God saves my fatherland.

I believed these were such causes, the people in other climes like Martin Luther and Mahatma Gandhi die for. So should you have a cause to commit suicide, think of a noble reason to do so, and not because you are finding it difficult to make ends meat.

This is beacuase economic recession is not the end of the world. Most great nations we admire today, were once in this kind of threshold, their nationals did not give up, rather they rose up to the demand of the time, and place their nations on the enviable pedestal.

We can equally do so here too. As Franklin Roosevelt said during the great Depression of 1930s, 'the only thing we have to fear is fear itself', tough times never last, touph people do.

Happy Weekend!


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