Buhari's Death Wish and The Political Malady of a Nation

The Nigeria political landscape is a beautiful political melodrama, full of intrigues and painfully exciting memories. Hardly will a day goneby, without nauseating political activities to savour and devour no matter your distate for such issue.

As dramatic as the Nigeria political scenes, so are its players and characters. It is a made up of a handful politicians whose preoccupation is to milk dry the nation to the bone marrow no matter the excruciating effect on the larger populace. Next to this is the political jobbers who live at the mercy of the political office holders with sole motive of manipulating and undermining the political process for their selfish motives. Everything is right so far there is something in its for me. Their loyalty to the public office holders is on the basis of what they get. 

Another set of people within the political landscape is the overnight social critics who see nothing goods in the government of the day because they have lost in the political equation and game. I think this administration has nicknamed them, the wailing wailers. To an undecipherable person, one could easily mistake them for the altruistic social critics whose motive is to serve as the conscience of the society. To the wailing wailers, everything is wrong because there is nothing in it for us.

With the advent of social media, there is the social media political frenzy citizens who will express their angers on what's app platforms, Facebook, Twitter, among others. When they do, you think every of their comments count and is directly directed to the political authority in question. Sometimes, verbal and written attacks are the other of the day. 

Another set of people is helpless and hapless public affairs critics and analysts found at newspapers stands, corridor of offices, and on the streets beaming with angst and anger against perceived injustice and maladministration cum abysmal policies. They meant well in their motives, but most times, they are at best armchair political analysts with and without the actual knowledge of the issue at hand but when they talk, you could be tempted to make them the heads of agencies or institutions overnight. You try them, you discover, they know little to nothing.

Finally, there is the impassive citizens who are unconcerned about happenings in the political system. It is either he has been jaundiced, disappointed, and don't just have fair for balderdash of the political system and process. I don't care is their language. 

Amidst these plethora of characters is the recent rumours and mongering about the health and death of President Muhamodu Buhari. In the last couple of days, have read and read about the deteroritaing state of the President and even his death, and am like wondering on why we could be so gullible as a people and wicked at the same time. To me, wishing a sitting President death is the least he deserves from people he sworn to serve and protect, unfortunately, this is where we are and whom we are.

As at today, the PMB government has become the Margret Thatcher's regime nicknamed Milk snatcher in the United Kingdom because of pursuit of unpopular policies, which nonetheless was necessary at the time. 

Without siding the government of the days for its incompetency on the handling of some political and economic issues such as the Nigeria Delta issue, the double standard measures in the fight against corruption, the incoherency of fiscal and monetary policy, delayed in the appointment of key cabinet members, among others, I believe the government of the day meant well, though it must be quickly add that good intention is not sufficient enough.

And I must say here, that people are not smiling because the political and economic outlook is not as audacious as one will expect, nonetheless, a wish for the death of a leader is the least we can ask or pray for as a nation and people. Except for the Abacha era, I doubt if there has been anytime, we found ourselves at this kind of political threshold.

To me doing so, only goes to show our political weaknesses, and ignoramus. This is because holding the leaders accountable is the sacred right of every citizen, but few of us hardly do it because, we are too fearful and gleeful about the outcome of such venture, yet now is the time for us to stand on our rights and demand our rightful share from the government of the day. 

The fact is the change we seek as I have come to understand may not come with change of political leaders and even political party, but more importantly in our ability to hold political leaders, institutions and agencies accountable. Wherever we find ourselves, we must demand to be given first class service, while we ourselves give the same as a private and public workers.


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