Wittingly and unwittingly, our lives is driven by choices. From inception to departure, we are product of decisions made by us and or some others. While we may not be able to reverse the wrong decision made by others, we however owe ourselves and humanity to make better choices that we move humanity forward.
This is because the length of our lives is too short than to spend it in frivolity. People around us consciously and unconsciously may not make us happy by what they do, we have got to make ourselves happy.
Our government decisions and policies may not encourage optimum utilization of our potentials and talents, yet we must never accept their verdict on us. So we must strive at all cost to make a difference in the world.
We may be deemed not too good enough by those who suppose to care about us, we must learn to disregard their judgment about us by working hard to prove them wrong.
As the weekend set in, think of what you can do to make yourself better, and by inference humanity.
Have a great day!
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