The Power of Love

I have seen men fell in love, and I have equally fell in love- not once, not twice and not even thrice; and in all I have discovered that love perhaps is the greatest force after God.

When men fall in love: mountains become valley, valley becomes mountain, distance is not a barrier; every impediment is immaterial in the face of love. A man in love is like a moving train who can do anything and go to any extent to prove his love for that special one.

Through love, friends are made, enemies are created in a bid to satisfy that one person in love with. Love sometimes does separate brothers, create division among families, and equally cement seemly uncementable relationship. Love is a force that unite, bond but which will not hesitate to bulldoze if necessary every real and imagine obstacles.

As men could fall in love with familiar faces so it is with strangers. Hence, race, colour, age, religion, and all sort of boundary lines is not a respecter in love. People could fall in love with anybody and anything at any time or place.

When in love, emotions speak more than reasons because when in love, men listen more with their hearts more than their heads.

As love could bring peace, so it could bring turbulence, after all,it is one of theatrical of life, that most wars  are products of love - love for somebody, love for something. No wonder, it is often said, 'all is fair in love and war'; and in the words of Anthonie de Saint : 'it is as a soldier you make love and as a lover you make war' . Indeed, we either die for somebody, something or nothing but no man has ever lived a worthwhile life without living for something or someone.

Sincerely, every course that has worth its sort is rooted in love. It is passion that propel a man to risk his life for fellow man and something no matter the danger that looms ahead. Such was the passion our Lord Jesus has for humanity, giving up his life in exchange for our sins.

Unfortunately, like Jesus, not everyone we fall in love with are in love with us. Sometimes, no matter what we do is inconsequential to that special person, most times, not because of sheer wickedness but just that some things will not click.

Here comes the pain of love: to love and not to be loved back. Nothing drives a man crazy than that. The tendency at such time is to love more but it is hardly the solution, yet it is always seems the most rational thing to do. Sometimes, it works, some other times, it doesn't​, but it is non sequitur. It is good for a man to enjoy his love life while it exists for attempt to rationalise love is the undoing of most relationship.

In life and in love, you will hurt people, people will hurt you, learning to forgive yourself (of seemly foolish stuff done in and for love) as well as others is the key to lasting happiness. What you need to know is no one is the sole key to your happiness, though it always seems.

Friends, I tell you and I lie not- there are one thousand and one persons you could fall in love with, and who are capable of making you happy if you give them a chance in your life. So learn to love and do great things for humanity.


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