Nigeria Map
Welcome to my country - A Land of Hope. Amidst the cacophony of problems and challenges that bedeviled us as a nation is our resilience and ability to hope against hope. The Nigeria State is a blessed country not only because of its huge natural and mineral resources deposit but also in terms of huge population. Above this is the immense potentials and faith of we Nigerians in the nation called Nigeria.

We are like the children of Isreal who despite  our 
Mt. Everest
mountainous problems and issues kept on marching on to the Promised Land. Our faith in the glorious future of this country is as high as Mount Everest. We believe one day, everything will be alright. So we keep on marching on amidst the volcanoes of problems and challenges. This spirit, an average Nigerian will refer to as the never-die-spirit. 

As a sovereign nation and people, we know our problems and their causes but we are too afraid to confront it as individuals and as a people. We just believed somebody somewhere will do the needful. Unfortunately, no one is courageous enough to stand up for the truth and confront our collective monsters. Hence, year-in year-out, we merry-go-round the same spot. 

Like all humans, the root cause of all our problems is selfishness and greed. Unfortunately, our individuals' greed we have upgraded to ethnic greed. Hence, the escalating cases of social upheavals and ethnic chauvinism in recent time because what is meant for us all has now become a lot of few privileged ones.  The whole land is, therefore, ailing of greed and selfishness. 

In terms like this, we need a healthy surgeon to pilot the affairs of the nation, unfortunately, the
President Buhari
number one surgeon is on a sick bed, so the wound and the bleeding are left to fester. The resultant effect is pain and agony in the land now being blown out of proportion by evil-genius. Often times, I wonder why it is only in Africa and Nigeria in particular that leaders are treated as gods - people who are infallible but while in reality, every human is fallible. It is human to fall sick for instance, and even die when the time comes.  On this note, I wish the handlers of Mr. President has done better in giving out information to people as needed on the health status of the President so as not to give room for rumour mongers to ply their trade as they now do.

Prof. Osinbanjo
Be that as it may, there is no vacuum in government except if the provision of the 1999 Constitution on the position of the Acting President ceased to apply as enshrined in Section 145. So the much ado about the presence of the President in London maybe uncalled for and unnecessary. What we need to do as a people is to demand that the Acting President lift up to his constitutionally assigned roles and duties. Same should be applicable to other public office holders, while we as private citizens should not fail in our own duties as well.  

Sincerely, if the rumours being peddled by the so-called wailing Wailers are true, the honourable and sensible thing any leader ought to do is to resign but this is a tall order in our climes. This is because asides the individualistic ego of the leaders most times, the profiteers of the supposed office will not even permit where the former attempt to do so. Hence, the often said cabals in the seat of government we hear about from regime to regime. The consequence is a traumatized people in a traumatized nation with no approved surgeon in sight.  

God save my fatherland!
God bless my country!!


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