Man, by nature, is a fallible being. As such, mistakes are common occurrences in the life of every man and in the world of humanity. Thus, our grace is not in our not falling but in the courage to admit and make amendment where necessary. Unfortunately, very few men and women have the virtue to do the needful when it matters especially in this part of our world.
Madam Kemi Adeosun, the immediate erstwhile Minister of Finance of the Federal Republic of Nigeria no doubt remains one of the shining lights of this administration in terms of sterling performance, and contribution to nation building.
Her intellectual contribution in and out of the cabinet remains one of the positive reference points of the President Buhari Administration, and for this, I cannot but applaud her for it.
Specifically, her effort and team to get Nigeria out of chronic recession arising from mismanagement of our collective resources and oil glut in a short while, compared to other oil producing nations will no doubt be read in the history book in the years to come. Equally important is her effective implementation of several policies including the VAIDS policy, TSA policy, and the Whistleblower policy.
Like a shining star, she stood her ground when it matters, and have to become a sacrificial lamb of budget padding cabals; more importantly, the oil cabals of this government. I will surely miss her, I don't know about you.
Be that as it may, her failure to go for the one year compulsory National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) has become an albatross for her, and perhaps for the government of the day; yet her latter decision has further justified her exemplary lifestyle and leadership, and for this, I applaud her warmly. She has done the seemly unthinkable and abominable. She has done what an average Nigerian and leader will never do, and certainly, generations born and unborn will celebrate her.
To some, it is coming too late, but I say it is better late than never. Her leaving the scene is a pointer that there are still men of good conscience in our land, men, and women of virtues whom the spoils of offices have not made them sold their consciences.
Thank you, Madam, for raising the bar above the norm. Your carriage and simplicity, plus your intellectual sagacity we will miss, but we remember that you did the right thing when it matters.
And here lies a lesson for us all, that nothing is too small to neglect. That every decision we make today can either make or mar our lives. The only antidote, therefore, is to be on the side of truth always; and when we are wrong to find the needed courage to make the amendment.
Thank you Mrs Kemi Adeousn for remaining a hope for the New Nigeria of our dreams.
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