POLL without PVC
Nigeria indeed is a funny country. We complain year-in year-out about the deplorable State of the economy, and of the infrastructures without doing something about it.
We have become a nation of complainers and not of doers. Almost every Nigerian has the solution to the country's problems, yet no apparent solution in sight.
The 2019 General Election is around the corner, but how many eligible voters have their Permanent Voter's Cards handy?
As at today, out of the over 80 million registered voters, less than 40 million people have collected their Voter's cards. What this means is that over 50% of the registered voters are about to disenfranchise themselves in the forthcoming election. This is asides those who are qualified, but who failed to register for their Permanent Voter's Cards.

Permit me to be more specific: your failure to vote is a guarantee for the election and reelection of incompetent people to public offices.
Consequently, unemployment may be on the increase, there may be a lack of access to adequate infrastructures, insecurity of lives and properties, a malfunctioning economic system, among others.
Let me state here that you lack the moral authority to complain about poor governance of which you didn't play any role to put in office and or oppose through your vote, as such, whatever the outcome of the regime should ordinarily be acceptable to you.
So if you have not collected your PVC, there is no better time than now. Save your future and that of your unborn generations. Thank you.
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