Our World, Our Pride

Today, let me think and act like the environmentalist. No! Everyday, you and I must think and act like the environmentalists.

Our Planet is in imperil. We have put the Mother Earth in danger for this generation born and unborn. We are daily harming the world we called our own. You say how?

For every wrap of sweet I carelessly throw away on the road from the window of my moving vehicle, and the wrap of biscuits you tossed away from those commercial buses. We harmed the Earth.

Whenever I knowingly fell a tree for farming cultivation, and you cut down the trees to build the foundation of your house without planting other ones, we harmed the world for humanity.

The world is in danger from every bursted exhaust pipe of my vehicle left unrepaired, and the toxic smoke from your generator at home. We knowingly put the world in tumoil by such acts, and we die daily from such self-inflicted woes.

Collectively we are harming the world, yes, you and I by building houses without grasses let alone plant trees for birds to live in.

When we buy those roasted bush meat from the roads, we encourage the hunters to hunt for more without caring about the endagerd species in our Planet. The Mother Earth is bleeding and may soon die of hormourage. The consequences is that we may soon become orphans without roofs on our heads.

The world is crying, we are laughing whenever we disturb and distort the natural course of nature for our selfish gains, but he who laughed last laughed best.

Whenever I become foolish and you become stupid, by throwing dirts in the drainages and drain culverts, we are digging the grave for the utmost death of Mother Earth, and by inference, for humanity.

Yes, 'we are not doing anybody but ourselves'; permit me to use my Mother Tongue English when we burn bushes in the open fields, on the farm lands, and in the thick Forest. We are our own enemies.

Nigeria is bleeding. Africa is bleeding. America is bleeding. Asia is bleeding. Australia is bleeding. Europe is bleeding. China is bleeding. The world is bleeding from needless war of production and consumption.

Sometimes, we go insane, whenever cock those bullets from the heavy machine guns, and unleashed terror on ourselves from those nuclear weapons. We're the architect of the world misfortunes, by inference, our own misfortunes.

Who will save us, no one because we have killed and murdered our God's given saviours. We are at the mercy of ourselves, unfortunately, we have no mercy to offer.

Let's continue, I've no plea to offer to myself nor you today, tomorrow, and maybe never, but iya lo ko omo ti ko gbon, ekun be fun omo ti sa re kiri, which contextually means, posterity will judge us all.

Segobe, O dabo, Bye!


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