A fortnight ago, I put up a vacancy advert for one of our clients who had a specific need for a driver. Several people applied but only two candidates turn up for our interview. Fortunately, both candidates were suitable for the job; so I was a bit finding it difficult whom I was to give the job. Towards the end, one of the drivers heard me discussing traveling the next day, so he volunteered to drive me down. It was an inter-state journey at little or no cost. I said no need, but he persisted. The rest is history, we traveled together. Ordinarily, I was tempted to give the volunteer the job, but I wanted to give both candidates a chance. Thus, I referred both of them to the clients, told both of them the time of the appointment, and promised to send the address to them. Unfortunately, I deleted the message of the guy who I didn't travel with on my phone. Thus, if I were to reach him, I've to go to the office which was a bit practically difficult for me, as I had to m...