While we are still in its festivities, lots are happening already. People are making billions of dollars already. Sincerely, I agree that your concern should not be about others but yourself. However, have you thought of what to do to make this year count? I'm not in a position to tell you what to do, but I think if you do the following things this year, you stand a chance to make the year 2020 counts.
1. Dream greatly. Set unbelievable aspirations for yourself in every facet of your life. Don't set your goals on your present realities. Forget about the cliche: 'if wishes were horses, beggars would ride'. Let your dreams make you laugh at the seemly impossibility but go for them.
2. Improve yourself. Let the old you die through reading, conscious learning, exposure, traveling, and engagement with people. Attend workshops, training, seminars, and conferences. Go for an apprenticeship if you need to.
3. Take risks. Don't be afraid of failure. It is better to fail at doing something than to succeed at doing nothing for our glory is not our never falling but in rising every time we fall.
4. Work smart. Use your brain smartly. Use your energy wisely. Use your time judiciously. You may not need to work hard, but you must work smartly. Do what you have to do when you have to do them, and how you have to do them.
5. Question life. Life is shrouded in mystery. Seek the truth in every mystery. Ask why in every why. Don't take things as they come. Reason things out. As a matter of fact, if this year is going to count for you and I; we must be thoughtful 'for as a man thinketh, so he is,' says the Holy Scripture. When somebody says it can be done, ask why it cannot be done. When somebody says 'No' to your offer, ask why; when people say 'Yes', ask yourself why. When things work out the way you planned it, ask yourself why, when it doesn't turn out the way you planned, ask yourself why.
6. Be yourself. Don't impress people. Impress yourself. Do things that are in harmony with your ideals, goals, plans, aspirations, and values. Don't live for another person, live for yourself. Create time for yourself, create time for your family and loved ones. Be nice to yourself. Live comfortably as much as possible.
7. Eat good food. Without good health, wealth is a mirage. It's better to be healthy than to be wealthy, you may not understand this until you visit the hospital and mortuary. Remember, your health is your wealth. While we work for wealth, we must be careful not to sacrifice our health, and one best way to be healthy is to eat healthy food.
8. Render selfless service. Help someone every day. Make someone smile every day this year. Go out of your way to be of help to others. If you cannot help a situation, pray for helpers. Do all you can to make an impact on people's lives. This is because when we have gone, departed this world os sins and wickedness, what remain and remember for is our service to fellow humans.
9. Love and fear God like never before. Create a relationship with Him. Read his word. Communicate with God. Fear him by keeping His commandment. When you fall short of his standard, don't hesitate to appropriate the blood of Jesus for pardon and forgiveness. Rely on him in your hours of uncertainties and for every decision, you want to make.
10. Enlarge your network. We are human beings, we are meant to live in association and not in isolation. Build a viable network of friends, business partners and colleagues. Be a good friend, if you need a good friend. Remember, "Great Minds Discuss Ideas; Average Minds Discuss Events; Small Minds Discuss People" which some attributed to former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt of the United States; though perhaps a paraphrase of the initial statement of Thomas Buckle in a conversation: “Men and women range themselves into three classes or orders of intelligence; you can tell the lowest class by their habit of always talking about persons; the next by the fact that their habit is always to converse about things; the highest by their preference for the discussion of ideas.” The question here is what do you and your friend discuss?
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