With over one billion vehicles in use and approximately two billion vehicles in use by 2035, the probability that motorists will get stuck in traffic is sure real than before. If you live in Lagos like me, I can bet you, you cannot escape traffic jams at least once in a month conservatively, "with over 5 million cars and 200,000 commercial vehicles on the roads (when the national average is 11 vehicles per kilometre), Lagos daily records an average of 227 vehicles per every kilometre of road."( Lagos State Motor Vehicle Administration Agency (MVAA) (2020) and Green Car Reports (2014).
While the deployment of technology like google map has helped motorists to a large extent to see the likely possibility of traffic ahead in their journey, the truth is motorists in big and hardly planned cities like Lagos can seldomly escape traffic jams. It needs to be stated also that traffic is also a common feature in even advanced countries of the world.
Thus the appropriate question is how do you utilize your time while stuck in traffic jams? Here are ten things you can do while stuck in traffic? These lists are not by any means exhaustible of various things you can do while in traffic.
1. Listen to the radio. You need to be careful here though as some radio stations can be so boring. If you have a favourite programme that falls within the traffic time, I will advise you to listen to it. If not, you can joggle through the stations to find something that suits your mood. It can be music, talk or anything. Don't get hooked up to a wrong station.
Advisedly, look for a funny programme that will make you to unnerve your stress.
2. Listen to CD. One best way to utilize your time is to listen to your recently or favourite CD. It can be music, message, talk or audiobook.
3. Read. In this age of social media, you can read up a book while on the wheel, a blog on a particular subject, or even watch a short video. The caveat here, whatever you do, don't get carried away. Reading a book or doing any of the above whiles in moving traffic is dangerous, so please avoid it.
4. Meditate. Selfreletion is key in the journey of life. We all need to rewind about life, our goals, dreams and issues of life.
5. Make that call. If you are stuck in traffic jams, a not moving one, while not place a call to your loved ones, a business partner or your counsel. Don't spend the time complaining about the traffic when you can make a deal while in traffic.
6. Tell others About the Traffic. A tweet about the long train of cars in front or at the back of you can save the day of someone else. So is a Whatsapp or Facebook update. It can also alert the traffic officer to the scene. In the case of broken-down vehicles, accidents, or whatever, while not call the emergency numbers? In Lagos, it is 767 or 112.
7. Hook Up. When in serious traffic, you can hook up with a long term friend around the traffic area at more relaxing spots. A soft drink and gist with such a babe, bobo or acquaintance create some long-lasting memories.
8. Clean Your Car. Sometimes, our vehicle interiors could be unhygienic with littered papers, crumbs of biscuits and other stuff; rather than sit helplessly in the car, while not organize those wastes into easily disposable form for disposal when you get to your destination. Note, we don't advise you throwing wastes outside your car or vehicle, it is a bad habit.
9. Chat with fellow motorists. Who says you can make new friends while in traffic. With a smile or nod, you can greet a fellow motorist, and ignite a conversation. Most times, while driving, I end up chatting with commercial drivers and tricycle operators. I usually ask them about how the day business going. Try it, you will be surprised at what they will tell you.
10. Get a driver. Driving is a profession which requires tact and passion, if you are not caught out for driving, the grandest thing you can do is to get a driver and channel your time and energy to more precious things like reading, working on office files, making those important but not too sensitive calls except your driver is a trusted and reliable one like we have at www.driveria.com.ng.
With #DriveriaDrivers, you can be sure to reach your destination safely and pleasurably.
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