At the root of man's wickedness and inhumanity to humanity lies three things: sex, greed and power. Inherent in every behaviour of man that is not in synced with the ethos of the society can be situated within these three motivations: lust for sex, greedy desires, and obession for power.
#Sex explains a man passion and lustful behaviours - the need to fulfil fleshly urge. It comes in form of lust, romance, and sexual intercourse. Most men will go to any extent to meet these needs because it's rooted in irrationality and unconsciously consciously motivated. A man in search of sex is half conscious and half of unconscious. Without discipline, man is nothing but a beast at this state.
With #Greed comes preoccupation with self, self and self and all forms of selfish behaviour. Greed makes a man wanting all for himself and nothing for others. A greedy man is self-centered and think less about others. If there are three apples for three people, a greedy man doesn't mind to have all for himself while others go to bed hungry. People with greed don't just do things without asking 'What is in it for me'?.
#Power represents the desire to conquer, dominate and subjugate others under one's whims and caprices. Power in itself is not bad but power exercise in its naked form is brutal and hurtful. Power will make men to sell their hearts to the devil, kill and maim others. Power without self control is an albatross - a self-destructive element who do no one good even its possessor. This is because power is like an honey to a child, the more you have it, the more you want to have more, and more until a point of no return.
Here in my view represents why inhumanity to humanity is on the increase.
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