There is no doubt that this is not the best of times for Nigerians: no light, no fuel and it is like the last person who went to hell forgot to lock the gate behind him. Suffice to say, the heat is quite becoming unbearable. The prices of goods and services are equally on the increase. So for a Minister of the caliber of our Petroleum Minister (Dr Ibe Kachikwu) to come and tell us the pain we are experiencing with respect to shortage and scarcity of fuel is still to continue till May of this year is quite unbearable (so many Nigerians think). But the Minister was merely speaking the truth to a populace who are quite use to lies. Ordinarily, Nigerians would have expected the Minister to be more political in his statement. They would have loved him to say the fuel will be over in a matter of week even though the fuel persists for weeks more. Why? It is because they have been subjected to serious pain by years of bad governance. Unfortunately (and perhaps...