
Showing posts from April, 2017

Take the Risk

Take the risk and damn the consequence as nothing worthwhile has ever been achieved without risk. In every stage of our lives, there are decisions to be made, steps to be moved but stepping into unknown is one of the dreaded things in life yet we cannot do without it. As a child, we learn to work by scrabbling with out feet. Look back and see all the things that ever count in your life, they were certainly products of decisions; and no better time to make that move than now. The worst scenario is that you may fail in that course but you would have learnt one way in which you cannot achieve your set target(s). Thomas Eddison failed 999 times in experiment on how an electric bulb can be made but he persisted and today we celebrate him. You too need to make that move now for a better and rewarding days ahead. How has your day being.

Why Do You Work

WHY DO YOU WORK (PART IV) CONCEPT (OF SELF) We all have self-concept which has to do with the way we perceive ourselves and through which others see us. There are two main types of self namely: the ideal and material self. While the former has to do with how we perceive ourselves; the latter has to do with how others see us. Most times when people ask us who we are: we most times respond in times of our job titles. So we often say we are accountants, lawyers, bankers, secretaries, personal assistants, among others. This often stemmed up from our childhood dreams and ambitions of the kind of work we would like to do in life. While the case in our part of the world, most people take up jobs just to survive, the fact remains that we should take appointment or employment that explains our person. This is because it is the only way we can get fulfilment. Hence, you may have to think twice whether your work gives you self-fulfilment or not. Wishing you a great day.

Why do you work

WHY DO YOU WORK (Part III) COMPETENCY In the words of  Confucius 'what I hear I forget, what I see I remember, what I participate in, I understand'. At schools, we are given the holes to make heeb, but we were never taught how to hold the holes, hence most of us come out of schools brilliant but unrefined. With our holes and cutlasses unsharpened, the only learning ground for us is the working place. And since learning is a continuum, we hold ourselves and society duty to make every conscious effort to sharpen our knowledge, skills, and aptitude while doing our job. The reality however is that so many people fail to use this opportunity judiciously forgetting that whatever material benefits one gets from working are temporal while skills and knowledge are permanent provided it is put to use. It is on this note it is better to take employment which is challenging than the one which will render one redundant with little or no value to a person life. This is because every ski...

Why Do you Work

WHY DO YOU WORK (PART II)? CONNECTION Without people, our lives would be boring, lonely, and burdensome. This is because we have been wired psychologically, physically and biologically to interact and co-exist with others. This accounts for the reason why meeting and socializing with people is one of the reasons why we work. At work, people we meet either make or mar our lives depending on how we manage the situation. The fact however is that on our way to the top we are bound to meet people who must one way or the other contribute to our progress and promotion in life. So no matter who we meet on our ladder of success, we must never belittle them for we can never say what they hold in store for us in the future. Asides, we must see everybody that come across us in the work place as an indispensable part of humanity that must be respected and kept in great esteem whether small or great. So when next you see the driver, cleaner, or the big boss in your office...never underrate the...

Be Yourself

Be yourself no matter the odd of life. Stay glue to your dreams even when no man believes you for those who clandestine you today will one day clap for you. Success has many fathers and mothers while failure is an orphan but you need to find yourself before others find you. In my search for the secret of success, one of the things I have found common about successes is that the path to it is paved with loneliness. It takes Jesus alone to go to the cross but today He is being celebrated worldwide. The Wright Brothers who made the first aeroplane were assumed to be crazy but today men fly like birds across countries and continents. Dear friend, never give in to the chastisement of gainsayers,  nor the fear pose by well- wishers, try to work on your purpose and you will see that men will celebrate in the days to come. Have a lovely day.

The Power of Love

I have seen men fell in love, and I have equally fell in love- not once, not twice and not even thrice; and in all I have discovered that love perhaps is the greatest force after God. When men fall in love: mountains become valley, valley becomes mountain, distance is not a barrier; every impediment is immaterial in the face of love. A man in love is like a moving train who can do anything and go to any extent to prove his love for that special one. Through love, friends are made, enemies are created in a bid to satisfy that one person in love with. Love sometimes does separate brothers, create division among families, and equally cement seemly uncementable relationship. Love is a force that unite, bond but which will not hesitate to bulldoze if necessary every real and imagine obstacles. As men could fall in love with familiar faces so it is with strangers. Hence, race, colour, age, religion, and all sort of boundary lines is not a respecter in love. People could fall in love wit...


One of the easiest thing to do in life is to defer what needs to be done now till a future time because we assume there will be a better and more convenient moment to do it. But fact has shown from evidence posed by history that there are no better time except the one we have now. This is because every moment is filled with its own pressing peculiar challenges. Procrastinating is not just about postpone of tasks, sometimes it has to do with decisions: a decision to pursue a course of study, a decision to do away with a habit, a decision to pray, a decision to start a business, a decision to marry and so many. Friends, if we will be sincere with ourselves, we will discover that most things we postpone till latter date or time often become a burden to us. So why not do what we have to do today and free ourselves of the stress and pains. Thanks, may this week be a week of favour for us all.


As humans, there are so many things that try to seek our attention. They pry on our time, resources, and even our thoughts. The way they present themselves to us is as if without them, life cannot go on. However, friends on a more deeper thinking, we will discover most of these things can actually be done without. It is therefore important we get our priority right. To achieve this, we must try to listen to our voice of reason above the voice of emotion. While our voice of emotion presents to us our wants, the voice of reason suggests our needs. So we must learn to meet our needs and not our wants. Without that, we are bound to suffer from self-deprivation which is injurious to our health and by inference, our entire life. Thank you for your time. Wishing you a glorious Sunday.


Wittingly and unwittingly, our lives is driven by choices. From inception to departure, we are product of decisions made by us and or some others. While we may not be able to reverse the wrong decision made by others, we however owe ourselves and humanity to make better choices that we move humanity forward. This is because the length of our lives is too short than to spend it in frivolity. People around us consciously and unconsciously may not make us happy by what they do, we have got to make ourselves happy. Our government decisions and policies may not encourage optimum utilization of our potentials and talents, yet we must never accept their verdict on us. So we must strive at all cost to make a difference in the world. We may be deemed not too good enough by those who suppose to care about us,  we must learn to disregard their judgment about us by working hard to prove them wrong. As the weekend set in, think of what you can do to make yourself better, and by inference h...

Finding Purpose

Almost everyone knows he or she is born into this world for a purpose, but finding such purpose has been an herculean task for generation after generation. So it is not surprising that in our search for meaningful​ life and place in life, we run from pillar to post, to find the #callings for which we are called for, but i tell you friends for free today that our purpose in life more often than not is woven around personal and societal problems. Thus it is by solving human problems, at personal and communal level that we find meaning to our lives. In essence, every problem we face at individual or group level is a potential opportunities for discovering our purposes in life. Moses was called to be a deliverer because he was meant to deliver his people from slavery and captivity. Jesus, our Lord is regarded as a Saviour of mankind because He was called to save humanity from sins and all his pernicious effects. Esther did not discover purpose until she was called by her uncle to ...

Hope For The Best

No matter how bad the events and situations around try to put us down, we must never give up the pursuit of destiny. It may appears you are holding on to your last rope yet I enjoin you to press forward and hold on. Every man at some points on the way to greatness is bound to be faced with challenges and problems that appear insummountable, but I tell you such issues are bound to diffuse sooner or latter. Purse for awhile and take retrospection about the past. Had it not be any issue that you thought will never be resolved that today has become a stepping stone? If there has been, your present trouble also is for the moment. It will soon be over, so hope for the best and never succumb to fate. Sincerely friend, at the end of every tunnel, there is a bright light, now you may not see the ray but it will shine brighter sooner than imagine. Congratulations for better days coming, have a pleasant day ahead.


Everything rises and falls on leadership. The progress of any nation or society is to a large extent in concomitant with the vision and direction provided by the leading figures. All through ages, humanity have progressed or retrogressed based on the leading provided by those who are saddled with the responsibility of leadership. The Nigeria society has not been so lucky with leadership whether at the corporate or political arena, all thanks to greed and incompetence of those elevated to the position of leadership. More often than not, people have had leadership thrust upon them with little knowledge of what is to be done with. Hence, the avalanche of the myriad of problems bedeviling us as a nation and people.   A week ago, in an attempt to address this trend, the  Stonebridge Platform , a non-governmental organization with a mission, vision and mission cum self-mandate to educate, sensitize, train and empower as much as possible the youths  in the society pu...